Progressive Education for Teens

 Learn for your self.

open house


live and in person

Come and see our current location- the Starla Ropp Studio! 

6859-100 Ave. 


Tuesday, February 19: 6:30-8pm. 

Tuesday, March 12: 6:30-8pm

Progressive Education


 The Starla Ropp Studio uses the tenants of Progressive Education in combination with the course outlines of the Alberta Program of Studies.  The students receive course credits while immersed in meaningful project work. Coming in to the studio you will see large scale projects combined with small group tutorials around specific concepts and individual work on course requirements. The foundation of the environment and  all the student work is social emotional learning and 21st Century learning. You can find more information on these ideas here: Learn for your self

Check out one large scale project here. 

And if you want a few more resrouces, check out our resources page

About Us

Starla Ropp


The Starla Ropp Studio adopted its name from a beautiful teacher and person. 


Starla often spoke of her students with an intensity of affection. She spoke of them as one might speak of rare orchid species or ingenious inventions exhibiting their singular workings: with wonder and delight. She was delighted by the delight of the children she worked with. But also delighted by their unique struggles and complexities, by all the varied states that made each child unique.  Not only did Starla recognize that we all develop in a manner that is uneven, unexpected, and different from one another, she found great joy in the appreciation of such idiosyncrasy.  Coming from a place of acceptance and compassion, Starla would discover ways to best encourage a child’s individual discoveries, coaxing a positive process of learning with her enthusiasm, humour, and a respectful and unwavering love.

The Starla Ropp Progressive Education Society


We are an incorporated non-profit parent society located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We formed as a group of parents and students interested in progressive education for students in Grade 9-12.  For many of us, our love and understanding of progressive education came from our involvement with Caraway- a K-9 progressive education program. For others of us, we chose progressive education after having our children in school programs or homeschooling. 

The Starla Ropp Studio (SRS)


We are a society of families who currently have a connection to a school board and offer an on-site place for learning. Our current studio room is a large open space that shifts and moves with the needs of project and course work. Whether it's meeting on the couches to have direct instruction on the smart board, using a PC, playing the piano or working in a small group at a table, our studio makes room for it all. 


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Starla Ropp Progressive Education Society

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada